Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When will we be found

Remember summer?
The stars were sleeping,
No one, guarding the nightfall,
When they woke,
They woke to, late october,
When the end, had come before the fall.
We are falling,
Yes, Our hands are slipping,
You can't hold on anymore.
You feel its time to let me go.

Winter approaches,
The earth's confused,
It rejects reality,
The Sky feels used,
It's lost its Identity.
And all is white.
Colours faded in the ground.
When will we be found.
When will we be found.

I feel the breeze,
I know that you are pushing me away,
I want to stay,
But you dont want me to stay.
I'll walk the cold,
I know that you have had me replaced,
I'll stand in place,
I wont bring you disgrace.
We've been buried in the snow.
We're in too deep, to let the past go.

Winter approaches,
The earth's confused,
It rejects reality,
The Sky feels used,
It's lost its Identity.
And all is white.
Colours faded in the ground.
When will we be found.
When will we be found

When will we be found.
When will we be found..


Mindy said...

any poet is a friend of mine, i like your site :)

Figurines of glass said...

these songs are beautiful..i like their extreme simplicity, yet with so much to say..

Anonymous said...

You're really talented! I love the way you write.One of your songs actually made me cry.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm adding you to my blogroll,hope it's ok with you?xx,Agata.

Akshay L said...

Thank you :) Most of my songs are about someone I lost last year, she was everything to me and I found peace in music when she died. So the reason i write is to immortalise her in words.

Kelly said...

beautiful lyrics! looking forward to hearing them.

thanks for stopping by Design Crush. :)


amber {daisy chain} said...

beautiful - you have a true gift!

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks! your blog is beautiful! do you take all the photographs and write everything?


Akshay L said...

I dont take the photographs, unfortunately but all the lyrics are written and composed by me :) I used to write for a couple of bands and musicians.

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement

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